
Here you find mostly more technical stuff & updates.

At the moment our javascript bundle is 1.4Mb which we compress to a small amount of 350Kb.This is still quite large, but don't worry you just have to load it once every update. Our goal is to end up with a maximum of 600Kb bundle size. that will lead to a estimated amount of 120Kb. At that point everyone can use our site very quick and easy.


Website designBasic
Website back-endSuccess
Clan update every 20 minuteSuccess
Experience eventsFinal test
Javascript requirementrequired

Currently working on

Live status updates: This will make it easier to see if our service is still updating like clan's or profile's.
Contact: Being able to contact us with idea's, improvements, bugs or questions.
Events: We have implemented events. this is still in a testing phase and don't have all functionalities we like to implement. the design of the website also blocks some features. We have a simple exeperience and grouped experience event system now. Out goal is to add clue's and bosses as well.


Currently we are working on getting more and better functionalities within our website. When we finish the functionalities we are going to have a good look how we can implement all these functionalities in the website with a great design. This might take some time so we try to create a good working website that is good useable to be able to create a small community.

What did we finish

Experience trackingfinished
Daily & weekly experience graphfinished
Login, Registerfinished
Runescape profile verifierfinished
Basic experience trackingfinished
Clan informationfinished
Clan updatesfinished
Clan update every 20 minutefinished
Automatic name changerfinished
Server side rendering(faster view)finished
Basic but interactive websitefinished
Clan eventsfinished
Dynamic profile updatesfinished
Improved daily experience tracking 2.0finished